Monday, May 6, 2013

My Take on Pregnancy

I've been pregnant for 7 months now. I always wondered what it would feel like. To be honest, it is many things. It is beautiful, painful, and annoying. And sometimes, if I lay just right, I feel completely normal -- like the way I did before I ever had a tiny human growing inside me. But then I feel the twitching, dancing, and kicking from inside my abdomen, and I know for certain that I am carrying a second soul.

A second, very hungry soul.

I just want to snack and sleep all day sometimes. And hey, I'm pregnant. No one would judge me. And then there are days that I want to clean and bake and organize everything. People say that I'm nesting. I get compliments from complete strangers, and people I normally wouldn't talk to are suddenly very interested in asking me questions and telling me their personal experiences with pregnancy and parenting.

My husband, Marshal, offers to give me massages every single night. My last semester of college I could skip class without penalty due to morning sickness and need for sleep. It is all glorious and exhausting and wonderful.
You ever wonder why pregnant women are always holding their tummy? You would hold yours too, if there was a human inside of you squirming around all day. It's a feeling that has no words to describe it properly. I love it. But I will love it even more when the baby is out of me and my body can shrink back to its original size. I have no idea what is in store for me. A child is a huge responsibility and blessing. I'm just going to say, come what may, I will love this little person so so so so much. 

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